About Us

We are your foremost point of connection to your dream job

About Us

Either you call us Global-iTek or iTek-Global, we are one and the same. We are your foremost IT Recruitment Agency to help you land your next job position.

We are specialists at delivering skilled IT staff and positions to organisations. 

Please view all of our available opportunities.

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GlobaliTek did a good job with securing my current position for me. Thank you guys.
Jide Ojo
Java Script Developer
I was able to get my current contract through iTek Global. I am quite happy with the team.
Yomi Dare
Graphics Designer
Landing my preferred job was quite smooth with Globalitek. They made the transition and onboarding process seamless.
Software Developer

Learn More About Our Services

We deal with every area of IT recruitment and services. We have a large Database of IT Professionals  including DevOps engineers, Microsoft Administrators, AWS Architects, Frontend & Javascript Developers, Cloud Administrators. We do our best to align your needs with the requirements of the business to be able to get your best return on investment.

Partner Companies

We partner with many organisations to fulfill their IT skill needs. 

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